A Purposeful Human–First Tech Approach

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About the Webinar

At the turn of the WFH era, we saw a paradigm shift in how people create, collaborate and consume data. More urgent than ever, the need to sense, connect and translate data into insights – sensemaking – for faster actions and sharp decision-making, has accelerated. But the adoption is not without tension and distrust. This brings to question on how can we do away with the conventional tech-first approach, but focus on what people really need and how they use it. In the opening, we will discuss key issues on how we have to navigate to transform. Among them – How can organisations be true to their collaboration interests and purpose, and let the emerging technology follow-through as the force for good – make us smarter, faster, scalable, accessible and trusted? Are you only keeping your lens within your organisation or across your eco-system? We can collectively reset the way forward to reverse the data-driven model to transform meaningfully beyond these trying times.


Ravinder Singh

Group COO (Technology & Innovation) & President, Defence & Public Security, ST Engineering